In order for this train to move you must keep the main TEMPERATURE gauge (on the right) within the green levels by managing the various widgets that control the engine. The furnace needs to stay hot enough, but not too hot. Remember to also release some pressure by pulling the steam lever. Keep an eye on the arrows above the gearbox, and make sure that the switch is in the correct slot! Match numbers on the electrical box with the correct light to keep the engine happy. The CLOCK keeps track of your progress so check out your score in the game over screen.

Shuhmo (everything else)
Anniv4x (custom art, custom sfx)

SPACE to add fuel to furnace
DOWN ARROW to release steam
LEFT/RIGHT ARROW to switch gearbox position
WASD to control the electrical box

Creator comments:
This is our fourth game jam together, and first game jam that isn't Ludum Dare! Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to fully commit to this project, but it was nonetheless a great learning experience. We look forward to trying out the submitted games, and hope you enjoy ours! (note: gameplay is unbalanced and need some tweaking to the numbers) 

Authorsshuhmo, pxlanni
Made withUnity

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